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AI-assisted Heritage Restoration: Revisiting 2nd Industrial Revolution Heritage through the lens of the 4th Industrial Revolution AI-assisted Heritage Restoration: Revisiting 2nd Industrial Revolution Heritage through the lens of the 4th Industrial Revolution

An industrial heritage site in Greece constitutes the basis for AI assisted design. A magnesite ore dock in the waterfront of Chalkidiki, Northern Greece remains abandoned for more than 20 years, adding a distinct, yet degrading industrial character to the seascape.

The ephemerality and perishability portrayed in abandoned structures enclose social, financial, and political dimensions. The way architects design in a historical context and weigh in on the collective human heritage illustrates the values, perceptions, and aesthetics of their respective eras.

The multimodality of architectural design cannot be approached by Deep learning models in an all-encompassing manner with current state-of-the-art technology. The design submodules tackled by different Deep Neural Networks would be firstly a pattern design which interpolates microscopic images of the extracted mineral and the signs of decay on the ore dock.

Secondly, images from ore docks are used to guide the form finding process of this adaptive reuse.
